Saturday, October 11, 2008

So far So good

Here it is Saturday afternoon already and I have to say that things are going fairly well. Yesterday we had lots of fun and I told the kids that we were going to party. Collin and I had a good morning while Brian was at preschool, and then I took the boys to Subway for lunch after preschool. We also rented a couple videos. Then we headed home. After doing some housecleaning, we set to work in the kitchen making a yummy dessert with chex cereal. The boys had a blast stirring the chocolate and peanut butter, getting to measure and pour the cereal into the bowl, and then shaking the chocolate coated cereal in ziploc bags with powdered sugar. We ate dinner in the living room while watching a movie, and then they got to enjoy the treat that we made together. We decided to sleep in the living room together and they were super excited although this morning Collin said he didn't get any sleep, and I would have to say neither did I! We will be sleeping in our own beds tonight and probably going down a bit earlier than normal. Overall it was a good evening, and the house is even in pretty good order still. Today has been pretty productive too. I was able to mow the lawn and get a bunch of laundry washed, dried, folded AND put away. To completion!! I would post pics of our fun weekend, but alas Steve has the camera. Which is why I am not allowing Allison to start walking until he gets back. Sorry, girl but you'll just have to wait!


The Finnestad Family said...

Can you say Supermom? You are setting quite the standard for yourself...and your boys are going to want Steve to go away more often :) Sounds like you are making some great memories with the kids. Way to go!

aaron♥michelle said...

How funny! I made the same cereal snack Friday night for a Daughters of the King event!! haha Great minds think alike! ;D Sounds like you've had a fun, full week/weekend. Btw, that last picture you posted of Allison is ADORABLE!!! :)

Wagner's said...

Impressive!!!! You put the rest of us normal gals to shame!