Friday, October 17, 2008

Routine II

Okay, so I know that in my post a couple weeks ago about routine many of you caught that I mentioned things were getting ready to change again. Well....they are. Starting next Saturday I will officially be starting a job. I was able to find something that fits with our schedule. I still get to be a sahm during the day. I still get to take the kids to school and pick them up, make their lunches, and be home with Allison all day. But 2 or 3 evenings a week, and on Saturdays you will find me checking at the Haggen in Ferndale. I'm excited to start, although a little nervous too. Now it will be up to Steve to make sure homework gets done, and the kids are showered and in bed at bedtime. He will probably have to start making dinners sometimes too. He is up for the challenge and I think it will be good quality time for the 4 of them. They need daddy time without mommy just like I need me time without the rest of them. Be praying for us as our routine will be different and we will ALL have to adjust to the new schedule.


The Earnhardt Family said...

WOW! I hope everything goes swimmingly for you, Steve & the kids! That's great!!! Big changes in the Williams home!!!

The Finnestad Family said...

This IS a big change - we'll be praying for you all as you adjust to your new schedule. Will you get a discount on your groceries? I may need to get a job at Costco soon with the amount of food we consume in this house. ha ha!!

Katharine said...

Yeah!!! Congratulations on getting the job! Now we know who to ask for menu ideas, based on sale items... at the Ferndale Haggen. Oh, well. Once we get past Seattle, the drive is pretty!

Wagner's said...

You go girl, hope it just works out beautifully for you all!