Friday, October 10, 2008

Busy Days

As I sit here at 6 o'clock in the morning already on my second cup of coffee and trying to relieve my aching back (yes I'll admit it, I'm getting OLD) I feel it is time to take you on a little trip in my shoes. I think that this is pretty typical of most sahm's daily routine, especially once your precious one is in school, but somehow putting it in writing makes me understand why I haven't had time to fold laundry (barely getting it washed), or catch up on housecleaning.

Let's just take a look at Thursday. My day starts at 5am when I get up with Allison. Nurse her, put her back down, and make a beeline for the coffee, which of course is on a timer. I love to hear that grinder go off knowing that I will once again have fresh ground coffee to get me going. Then I make breakfast for Steve and see him off, check email before racing through the shower before the kids are up. Then my day really begins. I get the kids up and ready for school, making lunches etc. Out the door at 9:10, drop Collin off at school, race home to get the share bag for preschool that Brian forgot, drop him off at preschool, race to the library, pull Allison out of the carseat to return a couple books that are due, throw Allison back in the carseat and race over to Moms In Touch. This means I actually have a whole hour where I get to sit down!! Nice! After MIT Allison is back in the carseat and I race home to grab a piece of cornbread leftover from dinner for a quick lunch, throw Allison back in the carseat and race to the preschool to pick up Brian. Pull Allison out of the carseat, get Brian, throw Allison back in the carseat, to the store we go to pick up items for Steve's trip, pull Allison out of the carseat, do my shopping, throw Allison back in the carseat, (seeing a pattern here?) make a quick stop at the local consignment store with high hopes of finding 2 costumes that the boys will both like and will fit. Pull Allison out of the carseat, score on the costumes (okay, I'll admit, the next size up would be better but the kids have not even noticed and we will have Buzz Lightyear and the red Power Ranger hanging around our house for a long time I'm sure), throw Allison back in the carseat. Race home, put Allison down for a nap, unload the groceries, start dinner. Why did I decided to make chicken fried steak on a day that is so busy I have no idea. Feed Allison, unload the dishwasher, reload the dishwasher. Steve drives up and I throw Allison at him and jog to the school to get Collin. Finish making dinner, eat, do dishes, pick apples from our tree, mop the floor (trust me it HAD to be done right then!!) put Allison back in the carseat and head over to the school for open house. I decided it would be better to put Allison in the front carrier than maneuver the stroller around (hence the aching back this morning) and we were home and getting ready for bed a little after 8. Whew!!

And Thursdays aren't even my busy days, Wednesdays are. No wonder I'm so tired.


The Earnhardt Family said...

You are crackin' me up. That was a busy day! I'm still wondering why you would make chicken fried steak on ANY given day. Way to much work. That's what you get when you go out to breakfast. And you actually make breakfast for Steve and see him off!! Greg is lucky if he can wake me up enough to remember saying goodbye to him. In my defense though he is out the door by 5:15 most mornings.

Jennifer said...

I got tired just reading that!

Madison Hill said...

Wow ok can we say SUPER MOM. Gregg only gets a lunch made, he gets his own I am so thankful that I do not have to deal with the carseat anymore.

The Earnhardt Family said...

OK, so I don't think I got the pattern...where was Allison this whole time? Can you say it all again? ;-D YOU ARE INSANE!!!

Wagner's said...

Holy frijoles woman!!! That is incredible- I think I'd have konked out by about half way through!!!!