Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Day

This year we were able to celebrate Christmas with my parents. It was a relaxing time and we all had a great time. We spent all day Friday making fudge and truffles, and then went to the Christmas eve service at Good Shepherd Community Church. It was a great service with fabulous music and a story told from the point of view of one of the shepherd's in the fields when the angel appeared. They called all the kids to go up front to hear the story but still being new to the church, the boys wouldn't go up. Instead they sat up in their seats and listened intently.

Christmas morning dawned rainy and windy, but luckily not early! The kids slept in until 7:00! It was fun watching everyone open their gifts. We sent Collin on a treasure hunt for one of his gifts, a desk for his room. He went from the living room, to downstairs, to the garage, back downstairs and eventually ended up in our bedroom where we had it set up.

The rest of the day was spent playing games and just hanging out. We watched movies and enjoyed being together.

I hope that your Christmas was spent with family and that you also had a great time celebrating our Savior's birth! The aftermath!

Brian's new favorite ipod shuffle.

Brian got a pogo stick.

The kids passed out all the presents.

Papa came upstairs and immediately went back to sleep before we even started opening gifts!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Merry Christmas

Wow has it been a long time since I've posted on here. There is so much to add in order to be up to date but for now I thought I would just say Merry Christmas. If you would like to catch up on our year you can read our Christmas letter and see pics from this past year here.

I hope this Christmas season finds you all healthy and happy!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Williams!