Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

After school today we made a quick trip out to the pumpkin patch that Brian went to last week. It wasn't the big pumpkin patch we normally go to that has all the fun things like the corn maze, the animals, the pumpkin pie or apples and caramel sauce, or even the hayride. But this year has just plain been crazy so we figured that if we could go somewhere other than the store to buy a pumpkin then we were doing pretty good. Collin was pleased to get to go and pick out his pumpkin and didn't say a thing about missing out on all the fun things. We thought that we were going to have to buy a small pumpkin for Brian since he already did his big pumpkin last week and heaven forbid he should walk out of there empty handed, right? But he surprised us. We offered for him to pick out a small one and he said "I don't need a pumpkin, I already have my pumpkin!" It was so cute, he said it as if to say you silly! At the same time I was so proud of him for not needing to leave with a pumpkin and to just allow Collin to have his. When we got home we had a quick dinner and then set about carving the pumpkin. Overall it was a nice evening and such a gorgeous day!! Collin didn't even mind pulling out the guts this year. He wanted a pumpkin patch in our backyard, so he threw the seeds outside to see if they will grow! He is going to be my gardiner. Here are some pics from our afternoon pumpkin patch and carving event.