Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Official Day of Preschool

Well, today was Brian's first official day of preschool. The day that I actually dropped him off and left. It was very exciting and there was only a small part of me that was sad. He is growing up! I can't tell you how much he was looking forward to this and kept saying on the way there that Mommy would NOT be staying. He walked in there like the big boy that he is and didn't even look back. I don't think he even heard me say goodbye. When I picked him up 2 1/2 hours later I could tell that he had a fabulous time. He told me that he was "playing on the playground until YOU showed up." made me laugh, but also showed me just how well he is doing away from me. He doesn't need me to be there all the time anymore. He is ready to go off and meet friends and be his own little person. That actually makes it a little harder on me. Although I am thankful that I don't have to deal with him crying and going through seperation anxiety, part of me knows that we have taken that next step in the growing process. He can't wait to go back tomorrow!


The Earnhardt Family said...

Can you believe that you only have ONE at home for a portion of those days?!? One-on-one time with Allison, I bet you love that and are cherishing it!

And VERY cool that you'll get to help in Collin's class so regularly, that's great!

Jennifer said...

Collin's backpack looks LOADED! The boys look wonderful in their first day of school clothes.