Thursday, September 11, 2008

Don't give mom a heart attack please!

I guess it was bound to happen at some point. Yesterday it did. Brian and I decided to park at school and meet up with Collin in the front of the school. Well there was such a sea of kids coming out when the bell rang that Collin walked right past me and neither one of us saw the other. So I continue waiting for him to come out, he still doesn't see me so he starts walking home. I finally go to his classroom but no one is there. By this time most of the kids are gone, and I am starting to panic. I go back to the front of the school and I am just getting ready to go to the office and start a search party, when the grandmother of his best friend calls me over and says she saw Collin walking towards home. So I load up Brian and Allison into the minivan and start driving. Sure enough, there he is up the road. Luckily he was walking with a girl in his class and her mom. The mom said that she saw him walking off the school grounds by himself and asked if he normally does that. No he says. So she had pulled out her cell and Collin tried calling me at home (note to self, write down cell number and keep it in Collin's backpack)but since I didn't answer, they walked together. On one hand I am so pleased that Collin walked with someone that he knew, but on the other hand he should not have left the school grounds without me. So now we have a plan if this happens again. He will wait for me at the flag pole and if he can't find me then he will go to the office to call. I am glad that we were able to make a plan so that it does not happen again! I would rather not have a heart attack at 31.


Jennifer said...

WOW! I bet your heart was racing...

I love your new look! You are so good at this!

The Earnhardt Family said...

Ahhh, the joys of parenting!!

The Finnestad Family said...

How scary! I'm glad you were able to come up with a plan...and that Brian was there to witness it, so chances are you won't have to worry about it again :)

I agree - you are good at this blogging thing. Where did you get your layout? I love it!

The Williams Five said...

Hey Karen, I found my layout on which I saw on of course Michelle's page!

Anonymous said...

Well, I'll admit that's scary... but what if you dropped your kid off at school, walked him to the room and then got a call from the school 1hr later asking if your child was sick and would he be back tomorrow? What?? No, he's at school. No, he isn't. The teacher marked him as absent. Yeah, that happened to me. She just 'missed' him in rollcall. :-) Nice!!


ps... your only 31!!! She seem so mature for your age. *wink*

Anonymous said...

Now you know why we always had you girls know where we would meet you. He did know to head for home, which was good on his part. Dad