Monday, September 22, 2008

Classroom Volunteer

As of last Wednesday I am officially a classroom volunteer in Collin's class. I get to go in every Wednesday at 11 while Brian is in preschool. His teacher doesn't even mind if I bring in Allison. It was great to be able to watch Collin in his class interacting with the other kids and working on his work. He did such a great job with me there. He liked that I was there and was disappointed that I wasn't able to stay and have lunch with him. I'm looking forward to being in his class each week. It is just so great to be able to see how he does in his class.


The Finnestad Family said...

After reading your last blog, I'm thinking it's good you are in Collin's class every week. Hopefully they will teach you that "new math" that Brian knows so you too can count to forty eleventeen! Glad to hear you are enjoying your school days.

Jennifer said...

I am happy to hear that you get to take Allison with you! Now you get to spend time at the school and you don't have to try to find a sitter while you are gone! It is great that he loves you there.