Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Week Before Christmas

Are you in for the long haul. Here it is the week after Christmas and have I got some photos for you! We were happy to have Steve home for the whole week of Christmas, and as a bonus the last 2 days the week before that because of the snow! It was nice to have all 5 of us home for that long and it was hard to see Steve go back to work yesterday. I'm glad that school doesn't start until next week though. It would have been even harder jumping right back into all routines so suddenly!

We had a great week getting ready for Christmas. There was baking with the kids, last minute shopping, playing in the snow and then of course getting together with family. Here are some pics highlighting our week.
Collin made peppermint bark all by himself and did a great job!
Brian and I had fun cutting out the cookies.

The boys lasted through about 3 cookies and then left the rest for Steve to finish!

Allison has started climbing. She even tries to climb onto the coffee table but luckily it is too tall for her yet.

This is what we woke up to in the garage one morning. Yep, snowing in the garage!

Brian playing with one of his birthday toys.

Collin also playing with one of his birthday toys.

Our camera was having issues, so you'll just have to trust me that the boys are sledding here. Brian is coming down the hill, and Collin is walking back up.

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

That is SO COOL that Steve got to be home for so long, that's a lot of great family time!!! AWESOME!!!