Sunday, December 21, 2008

Christmas program

This year both boys were able to participate in the Christmas program at church. They were very excited, especially Collin as he had a speaking part. He got to be a wiseman. It was a lot of fun to watch, and kept us laughing so hard (especially the preschoolers!).

Here is Collin with another wiseman. The 3rd wiseman was sick so they had to have a substitute.

This is the preschool program. Brian is in the back row. He somehow was able to sneak up to the stage before all the other kids. He wanted to be up there first!

Here he is doing the motions to Away in a Manger.

Here you can see the boys starting to lose it. Why did they put the boys together? They tried to separate them, and Brian ended up laying down so of course everyone laughed. It was all he could talk about for a week. He would say "remember when I layed down on stage and everyone laughed? That was great!" What a ham!

Here is Collin as a wiseman.

They are singing We Three Kings.

They are being interviewed by the news while they visit King Herod. It was a really cute program and they did such a great job.
I believe this actually catches me up on my blogging! FINALLY! Now let's see how long it takes me to post about Christmas! Ha ha. Just in case it takes awhile I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy new year!

1 comment:

The Earnhardt Family said...

WOW! What a big role Collin had! That's exciting!!! And it looks like Brian was doing GREAT with the hand motions to the song! WOW! Too funny about him being such a ham and making everyone laugh, that's so funny!!!