Saturday, November 21, 2009

Four Eyes?

Collin gets to sport some pretty cool glasses now. Doesn't he look handsome? He was pretty excited when they came in and for the week beforehand I got to listen to "are they ready yet?" It was worth the wait though and he did a great job picking them out. He was pretty excited to show them off at school and thinks it's funny that he can be called 4 eyes. Don't ask me why. Don't mind the boxes in the background... ;)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Another Year Older

A week ago Sunday Collin turned 9. It's hard to believe that 9 years ago I was in the hospital with this tiny little bundle screaming at the top of his lungs all night long. We were just beginning this journey of parenting. 9 years later he is in 3rd grade and very much his own person. He is an amazing young man who is very bright, very caring and a great artist. He has a huge imagination and I love reading the books that he creates. It's hard to believe that he is already halfway to technically being an adult. Will the next 9 years go as fast as the last 9? I don't know if I'm ready for that! We love you, Collin and can't wait to see where the next 9 years takes us (but can you slow it down just a little?)!

Collin wanted a Ben 10 cake (it's a boy thing). It was actually fun to make it.
What better way to decorate than using the white board and Ben 10 drawings courtesy of the birthday boy himself. I did the writing though.

He was super excited to get a Bakugan (again a boy thing).

He was also excited to get 3 transformers. The boys took off for the rest of the evening playing with them. Lots of fun!

Uncle Fred, Aunt Trina and their cousins came over to celebrate.

Even Grandma and Grandpa got to be here!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Visiting Family

My Aunt Debbie came out to Washington this summer and we drove down to Puyallup to see her and my cousins. It was great to see them, but wish it could have been a much longer trip. Unfortunately our camera lens got smudged and we didn't realize it until after we had taken all of our pictures. We have since cleaned it off.

What a Big Girl

Allison has decided to start potty training herself. I really need to try and video her when she needs to go. She reaches down and grabs her diaper and starts walking towards the bathroom like that whispering "pee, pee pee." It is so cute.

Swimming Lessons

Both boys took swimming lessons this summer at the Aquatic Center in Bellingham. They both enjoyed the 2 weeks of lessons. Collin learned how to dive into the deep end. He did a great job. Brian was a little scared of the water and had a hard time putting his face in until the last day of lessons. Overall it was lots of fun though.

The Little Dipper

Allison loved swimming this summer. She was not afraid of the water which made me nervous. In the swimming pool she didn't want to be held or wear a life jacket. She went under a few times but that didn't even phase her. I think she is going to do well with swimming as she gets older.

The First Big Ride

This summer Brian finally decided he was ready for a ride on Daddy's motorcycle. Up to this point he has been terrified of it. He wouldn't even sit on it when it wasn't running. Then one day he asked for a ride so we couldn't pass up on the opportunity. He absolutely loved it!